Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Toyota's A3 Report

Toyota's A3 report process is an excellent example of how standardization can help expand your thought process.   Maybe people think that free thinking, brainstorming and innovation are stifled by standardizing but this example proves that this is not always the case.

The A3 report does provide a standard template and process - but what it really does is it provides a framework to work through a problem.  It triggers the user to ask themselves certain questions and document assumptions as you move through the steps of the process.  Because it is an iterative process it allows for the user and others (maybe a mentor) to also circle back and question those conclusions and assumptions as more information becomes available.  Having a structured process to work through a problem can help to make sure that you are not missing anything.  Another example of a similar type of idea is the DMAIC process.  In this process you Define - Measure - Analyze - Implement - Control.  DMAIC is most commonly used for manufacturing processes but can often be adapted to tackle other problem types.  A structured approach will allow you to organize your thoughts in a more concise manner for investigation and analysis.

Another reason why I like the A3 report template it is allows for a snapshot.  This template is an easy way to walk through the situation with someone who is not involved in the details in a one page document.  Management teams for every company are always looking for metrics and scorecards that enable them to understand the situations quickly and make decisions.


  1. Great example about DMAIC Chelsey. And it is impressive to point out that the A3 reports is a standardized and structured method when figure out solution to certain problems. Who said innovation would be limited when using standardizing model? It doesn't make sense in fact. It just provide you a generate outline but you have to brainstorm out more supportive details.

  2. well said, explaining the "current condition" in A3 report is what most of the management want to see to get quickly understand the magnitude of the problem.
